KENDOJIDAI 2024.1 Tournament commentary: Yoshinari MasahiroReporting: Yanagida Naoko, Teraoka Tomoyuki, Tsuchiya TomohiroPhotography: Nishiguchi Kunihiko, Sasai Takamasai, Sugino ShinsukeTranslation: Anne Zwart In this year’s All Japan KENDO Championship, two young fighters aged 23 and 25 clashed…
All Japan Kendo Championship INTERVIEW
Natsumeda Ryusuke
2024.1 KENDOJIDAI Photography: Nishiguchi KunihikoTranslation: Pepijn Boomgaard International Budo University places emphasis on the acquisition of a correct Kamae in order to help their students become good instructors in the future. The left fist is…
2024.1 KENDOJIDAI Translation: Pepijn Boomgaard, Sato Mariko What is the “ideal Kamae” for you? What kind of Kamae will put pressure on the opponent and improve your performance in a match or an exam? In…
No.10 Overcoming the use of strength (Ijima Akira) Everyone probably has been told to relax their upper body and put strength into their lower body, but just thinking about this does not mean that… -
2023.11 KENDOJIDAI Translation: Jouke van der Woude Shikake-waza learned from initiation centered Keiko Ogawa Tsunato, Renshi 7th Dan (Kumamoto) Born in 1980 in Kumamoto City, Kumamoto Prefecture. After graduating from Yatsushiro Higashi High School, he…
Report: Yoshinari MasahiroPhotography: Nishiguchi KunihikoTranslation: Anne Zwart Watanabe Tai (Kumamoto), who is currently captain of the Japan national team for the World Kendo Championships, achieved the first place title for the first time in…
2023.11 KENDOJIDAI Photography: Nishiguchi KunihikoComposition: Tsuchiya TomohiroTranslation: Pepijn Boomgaard Sato Sensei has captivated us with his brilliant Debana-men. He says that by refining his Shikake-waza, he has learned more about his own Tame and drawing…
2023.11 KENDOJIDAI Photography: Nishiguchi KunihikoTranslation: Jouke van der Woude Takanabe Susumu, who has continued to be at the forefront of the All Japan Kendo Championship and the World Kendo Championships achieved success in his first…
2023.11 KENDOJIDAI Photography: Nishiguchi KunihikoTranslation: Pepijn Boomgaard The name Nabeyama Takahiro, the 8th Dan leader of the University of Tsukuba, is synonymous with a dynamic Men strike. He uses his left foot to allow him…
2023.10 KENDOJIDAI Report: Teraoka TomoyukiPhotography: Nishiguchi KunihikoTranslation: Jouke van der Woude For the past three years, they have devoted themselves to rigorous training with the hope of becoming the best in Japan. The culmination of…
2023.10 KENDOJIDAI Photography: Nishiguchi Kunihiko Composition: Tsuchiya Tomohiro Translation: Jouke van der Woude A strike after applying Seme can be countered or dodged. However, by applying Seme and Tame, you can make your opponent linger in their…
2023.6 KENDOJIDAI Iguchi Kiyoshi, who has achieved success at the highest level, including winning the team title at the World Kendo Championship and winning the individual title at the National Police Kendo Championship, has now…
2023.10 KENDOJIDAI Photography: Nishiguchi KunihikoTranslation: Jouke van der Woude “To build up Tame and follow through with a strike, one must strike decisively, casting aside hesitation. It’s challenging, but it’s an essential element in real…
2023.10 KENDOJIDAI Composition: Teraoka Tomoyuki Photography: Suginou ShinsukeTranslation: Jouke van der Woude Suzuki Tsuyoshi has won the All Japan Kendo Championship title and currently mentors the next generation of practitioners in the Chiba Prefecture Police. He…