8th Dan Kendo lessons of Chiba Masashi KENDO TECHNIQUE

Kendo lessons of Chiba Masashi vol. 6 : Approach to dan examinations


Chiba Masashi is the champion of refined lessons on Kendo, also known as “Chiba magic”. Studying this will bring quick improvement. A Jodan expert reveals his secrets to you in this series.

Chiba Masashi, 8th Dan Hanshi

Born in Miyagi prefecture in 1944. After graduating from Kogotanourin High School, he was hired by the Metropolitan Police Department. 3 All Japan Championship titles, 2 World team Championship titles, 4 National Police Team Championship titles, 1 National Sports Tournament Title, 1 Meiji village Kendo Championship title. Former occupation; the Metropolitan Police Department honorary teacher Kendo, Hitotsubashi University Instructor.

Do not fight with a predetermined striking target

The sword which receives, is the sword which strikes
Create a Kamae that can always strike

As they say that Kendo is understood by understanding Maai, Maai is a particular point of importance in Dan examinations. It is not uncommon that techniques are performed in patterns. For example, after Kiai, they go into Maai without looking at the opponent’s movements and go for Men, and for the second exchange they will go Kote because they went for Men in the first exchange.

The rest of this article is only available for Kendo Jidai International subscribers!





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