
The charm of Kendo are the people and spirit of self discipline : Francisco Estudillo / Marlen Sharton from Estonia


Estonia has a small kendo population with less than 20 people. Francisco originally came from Spain. When he came to Estonia, he was told by his wife, “why don’t you do sports or something?” He happened to meet kendo by coincidence. “At first my wife told me that she wanted me to go out of the house more, but now I am passionate about Kendo, my wife is not happy (laughs). I spent too much time on kendo trips and keiko.”

The attraction that Francisco feels in Kendo are the people.
“In Kendo, we respect each other and practice kendo. There are many nice people who spend time together. I think that is because we have a feeling of respect for other people. When we do something, human relationships are very important. ”

Marlen says, “I started Kendo because I want to fight.” There are other martial arts, but the appeal of Kendo is to always fight against myself and try to improve.

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