Through team matches, we can understand the importance of teamwork and the role of the individual. Let’s think about how we can use team competitions to develop children’s individuality.
Translation: Pepijn Boomgaard
Using the reliability of the Taisho to create a team that everyone will support

- Team competition
In team competition, the team works towards a common goal, and the feelings of each individual player are connected to the team’s pride and reputation. It’s not only about winning or losing. It’s also about the team’s and individuals’ feeling, and gratitude towards your teammates. We can experience many things in this kind of competition. I think that each team has their own goals, and they work hard every day in order to achieve them. Team competition is not only about the competing players. It’s also about the reserve players and the players cheering on the team. It’s also an opportunity for the parents and other people to come together to cheer on the team. The competing players bring their thoughts and feelings with them into the Shiaijo. This is why winning feels so good, and why losing is so frustrating. We can share these feelings with each other. Through team competition, we can learn many things, including how to win and how to lose.
- Deciding on positions
When deciding on a player’s position, I keep their personality and style in mind. It’s a process of trial and error. I think that Senpo is an especially important position, so I try to find a player who can help build the team’s momentum. I decide on a Taisho every year. I choose the person who is most trusted by everyone around them. Someone who can be relied on in difficult times, who wouldn’t be blamed even if they lost their match.
- Training for Shiai
Before a tournament, we will conduct practice matches among the students, so that they can find out what they have to work on. I will also have them discuss these points amongst themselves and with me. During practice, we practice multiple patterns in order to simulate different scenarios. We also do practice matches in order to develop their game insight.
We always exchange our opinions and set new goals to work on.
- The day of the competition
On the day of the competition, I try to smile as much as I can. Due to pressure and nervousness, players may not be able to move their bodies as well as usual. I stay aware of this pressure, and try to create a fun environment in which the team can give it their all. However, I make sure not to let the atmosphere get too relaxed.
The Fukusho should be someone who can put others before themselves
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