2022.7 KENDOJIDAI Tomoi had been active as a Tokuren member for many years, but when he left the world of competition to become an instructor, he was limited in practicing Kendo against others due to…
Kendo lessons of Hirao Yashushi
Having a concrete image improves the quality of solo training (Hirao Yasushi)
During the Covid-19 pandemic, your approach to training is what affects the quality of your solo practice. “It is important to have a concrete image of your goals and ideal Kendo”, says Hirao Yasushi.…
Methods to improve your kendo mindset
Methods to improve your kendo mindset vol.6 Time management for Dan examinations
Yano Hiromitsu Born in Yuzawa City, Akita Prefecture in 1968.Graduated from Tokai University’s Faculty of Physical Education in kendo followed by theTokai University Graduate School of Physical Education (Sports Psychology). Graduatedfrom Nagoya University Graduate…
Methods to improve your kendo mindset
Yano Hiromitsu: Methods to improve your kendo mindset vol.5 How to set clear goals
Yano Hiromitsu Born in Yuzawa City, Akita Prefecture in 1968.Graduated from Tokai University’s Faculty of Physical Education in kendo followed by theTokai University Graduate School of Physical Education (Sports Psychology). Graduatedfrom Nagoya University Graduate…
KENDOJIDAI 2021.9 Photo: Nishiguchi Kunihiko Composition: Yanagida NaokoTranslation: Jouke van der Woude Sharpness and momentum are essential elements for a successful strike. Hanshi Koda Kunihide, a professor at the University of Tsukuba, says, “If you understand…
2022.10 KENDOJIDAI Photography: Sasai TakamasaInterview: Yanagida NaokoTranslation: Pepijn Boomgaard Kokushikan University’s Iwabu Hikaru won the 70th All Japan Student Championships (individual),which were held in July this year. He was the 13th Kokushikan player to win…
Translation: Jouke van der Woude He continued to be active in the Tokuren for 14 years, and the driving force behind his success was his awareness of the need to build a body capable…
KENDOJIDAI 2021.4 Since his younger years, Higashi Yoshimi was aware of the 8th Dan examination, and has repeatedly recorded his own Tachiai Keiko to use that footage in his following Keiko. The video footage shows…
2021.4 KENDOJIDAI The COVID-19 crisis has transformed much in our lives, including the world of Kendo. One of these transformations is the rise of Kendo YouTubers. The boom of easily accessible Kendo video content has…
KENDOJIDAI 2021.9 Photography: Nishiguchi KunihikoComposition: Tsuchiya TomohiroIn cooperation with Tokyo ShudokanTranslation: Pepijn Boomgaard A strike with Sae and vigor will be seen as Ippon during examinations and matches. What is the mechanism of this? We…
KENDOJIDAI 2021.9 translation = Anne Zwart Yoshimi-hanshi tells us that Sae occurs in the strike when you grip the Shinai correctly and cut decisively. Many Kenshi think that they are applying their fundamentals during practice,…
KENDOJIDAI 2021.9 Translation: Jouke van der Woude Battle hardened Hanshi, Kasamura Koji, emphasizes, “It is important to practice with an awareness of the elements of Yuko Datotsu: The use of Tenouchi, and strong and sharp…
KENDOJIDAI 2021.8 How to perform valid strikes and deny them to your opponent. This is where the timing and body movement, in other words, footwork, come into play. We interviewed Imazato Manabu, a famous instructor…
2022.8 KENDOJIDAI Interview: Teraoka TomoyukiPhotography: Sasai Takamasa, Nishiguchi Kunihiko (Shiai pictures) Translation: Anne Zwart Ando Sho, who was Taisho of the Japanese national team during the 17th World Championship in 2018, made the jump from…