EKC2019 Men’s Team 1st prize : France 2nd prize : Serbia 3rd prize : Poland 3rd prize : Spain EKC2019 Junior’s Individual 1st prize : L. Klyuev (Russia) 2nd prize : J.K. Wright (UK)…
[EKC 2019 lady’s team category] 1st prize : Netherlands 2nd prize : France 3rd prize : Switzerland 3rd prize : Poland [EKC 2019 Junior category, team] 1st prize : Serbia 2nd prize : Russian… -
All Japan Kendo Championship INTERVIEW
Takahashi Moeko, 57th All Japan Ladies Championship interview
KENDOJIDAI 2019.2 57th All Japan Ladies Championship interview. Patience and judgement Takahashi Moeko (Kanagawa) The 57th All Japan Women’s Championships. Takahashi again subdued the great battle centered around the WKC representatives. “Patience and judgement” Takahashi…
Official event name 18th Satsuki Cup 2019 Date 9th June 2019 URL (invitation in 4 languages) Fee 175 CZK (6,7 EUR) Venue Sport Centre Juliska, Pod Juliskou 4, Praha, Czech Republic Comment from… -
KendoStar‘s Kendo equipment will be 10% off for everyone visiting Kendo Jidai International. What is KendoStar? KendoStar offers FREE INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING on ALL orders! The KendoStar brand was launched by Kendo teacher, and Kendogu… -
We are writing this post because we’d like to promote your business on our media. Kendo Jidai was launched in 1974 and is the biggest Japanese kendo magazine today. The magazine contains articles and… -
Published on KENDOJIDAI 2018.8 During his days in the tokuren, Nakada sensei took on the task of mastering tame after he became aware of seme. While researching tame, he rebuild his basics, such as…
Published on KENDOJIDAI 2018.8 During his days in the tokuren, Nakada sensei took on the task of mastering tame after he became aware of seme. While researching tame, he rebuild his basics, such as…
Kendo lessons of Nakada Jun KENDO TECHNIQUE
Being conscious of seme is the first step to learning tame
Published on KENDOJIDAI 2018.8 During his days in the tokuren, Nakada sensei took on the task of mastering tame after he became aware of seme. While researching tame he rebuild his basics such as…
Kendo lessons of Yamashita Katsuhisa KENDO TECHNIQUE
Yamashita (3/3) Technique: increase the accuracy of your strikes and gain confidence
Published on KENDOJIDAI 2018.8 Yamashita-sensei, who has been very successful in competition since his childhood, encountered his greatest challenge in the form of his hachidan examination. How do you break through this obstacle? He…
Players of each countries have been announced on the official site of EKC2019. *Click on the national flag to see players 40 countries will participate this year. EKC started in 1974 and it… -
Hello everyone, The last part of our Kanoya series is available! This part is on jigeiko only, and you need to be a paying subscriber to watch this video. It features Maeda Yasuki who…
Kendo lessons of Yamashita Katsuhisa KENDO TECHNIQUE
Yamashita (2/3) Kamae : Consciously face your opponent
Published on KENDOJIDAI 2018.8 Yamashita-sensei, who has been very successful in competition since his childhood, encountered his greatest challenge in the form of his hachidan examination. How do you break through this obstacle? He…
Dear Kendo Jidai members. We have updated the Training -> Nabeyama Seminar sections. There were some mistakes in the order of the videos. -There are now 2 introduction videos before the lessons. -As of…