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Kendo Jidai International is an English version of Kendo Jidai which is a Japanese Kendo magazine with a long standing history of 44 years.
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Arima Mitsuo
Arima Mitsuo, born 1943 in Okayama prefecture, 74 years old. From Saidaiji High School to Osaka prefectural police officer. Became 2nd and 3rd in All Japan Championship Tournament 3 times. Won National Police Team Championship 9 times and Individual victory 1 time. Meiji Village Kendo Championship 2 times, participated in All Japan East West Tournament. Currently, Osaka Prefecture Police Kendo Honorary Teacher and Toll Express Co. Instructor. Hanshi 8th dan.
Arima Mitsuo’s articles
Chiba Masashi
Chiba Masashi / Born in Miyagi prefecture in 1944. After graduating from Kogotanourin High School, he was hired by the Metropolitan Police Department. 3 All Japan Championship titles, 2 World team Championship titles, 4 National Police Team Championship titles, 1 National Sports Tournament Title, 1 Meiji village Kendo Championship title. Former occupation; the Metropolitan Police Department honorary teacher Kendo, Hitotsubashi University Instructor. Hanshi 8th dan.
Chiba Masashi’s articles
- vol. 1 : Seme, breaking and hitting
- vol. 2 : How to perform snappy strikes
- vol. 3 : Shikake waza for Kote and Men
- vol. 4 : Oji waza
- vol. 5 : Understanding jodan
- vol. 6 : Approach to dan examinations
Funatsu Shinji
Funatsu Shinji
Kyoshi 8th dan, born in Nagasaki prefecture in 1955. After graduating from Saikai Gakuen High School, he worked for Osaka Police. Major achievements include winning the All Japan Invitational 8th dan Championship twice, winning the World Championship Team category, winning the National Police Team Championship, participation in the All Japan Kendo Championship. Currently, Chief Instructor of Osaka Police Kendo Club.
Funatsu Shinji’s article
Furusawa Nobuaki
Furusawa Nobuaki, Renshi 6th dan
Born in Kumamoto Prefecture 1981, 36 years old. From Aso High School through Japan Sports Education University, he is appointed to the Imperial Police. In high school, he won the Gyokuryuki Tournament and became 2nd in the All Japan Highschool Championship twice, and took 2 consecutive victories in the National Sports Tournament. In his university days he took 2nd place in the All Japan Student Championship, and wont the Kanto Student Championship. In the age of the Imperial Wrestling Police, he won the national police championship third prize. After retiring from the Imperial Police Department, he became a masters student at Japan Sports Education University, and currently he is Assistant Professor of Martial Arts Education, Faculty of Sports Culture at the Japan Sports Education University.
Furusawa Nobuaki’s articles
Kendo lessons of Furusawa Nobuaki
- How to confront daily practice and suburi
- Master blade angle and tenouchi with versatile suburi
- Interlink shoulder, elbow, wrist and tenouchi
Hamasaki Mitsuru
Hamasaki Mitsuru, Hanshi 8th Dan
Born in Kumamoto Prefecture in 1949. He went from PL Gakuen High School to Senshu University. After graduating, he was appointed to the Metropolitan Police Department.Won the All Japan Invitational 8th Dan Championship, National Police Team Tournament, National Sports Tournament and the All Japan Prefectural Championship. He also participated in the All Japan Championship. Retired from the Metropolitan Police Department in March 2010. Currently, he is an Honorary Teacher of the Metropolitan Police Department and a director at Senshu University Kendo Club, Nihon University, Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Group, and Hyakurenkan.
Harada Satoru
Harada Satoru, Kyoshi 7th Dan
Born in Fukushima Prefecture in 1973. He went from Fukushima High School to Tsukuba University. After graduating, joined the Metropolitan Police Department. He has taken the All Japan Championship title once, 2nd place twice and 3rd place three times. In the National Police Team Tournament, he has taken the title 3 times and participated in the WKC. He is currently director of the Metropolitan Police Department.
Harada Satoru’s articles
Hashimoto Keiichi
Hashimoto Keiichi, Kyoshi 7th Dan
Born in Saitama Prefecture in 1980. After graduating from Tōyō University. Keihoku High School and going on to Teikyo University, he joined Ida Technos Co. Major achievements include winning the All Japan Invitational 7th Dan Tournament, participating in the All Japan Championship, winning the National Sports Tournament, winning the All Japan Inter Prefectural Championship, and second place in the All Japan Business Championship.
Hayashi Kunio
Hayashi Kunio / Born in 1944 in Gifu Prefecture. Emeritus Professor of the Chukyo University, Chukyo University Kendo Club Director, 8th dan in kendo.
Hayashi Kunio’s articles
- Toughest exam in the world, vol.1 Analysis of the 8th dan in kendo
- Toughest exam in the world, vol.2 The judge’s eye
- Toughest exam in the world, vol.3 keiko towards the 8th dan examination
- Toughest exam in the world, vol.4 Keiko points for the elderly
Higashi Yoshimi
Higashi Yoshimi, born in Kagoshima prefecture in 1957, 62 years old. Proceeded from Shōnan High School to Hosei University and after graduation, he is appointed to the Aichi prefectural police. Achievements include All Japan 8th dan Invitational Championship victory, All Japan Championship participation, All Japan East-West Tournament participation etc. After retiring the tokuren, he became an instructor and Aichi Prefectural Police Kendo Chairperson. Retired in March, 2018. Currently, Aichi Prefecture Police Honorary Teacher, Netz Toyota Nagoya Kendo Club Teacher, Seijo University Kendo Club Teacher. In May this year, he was awarded hanshi.
Higashi Yoshimi’s articles
Kendo lessons of Higashi Yoshimi
- How to create a kamae to strike at any time
- How to add depth to your seme?
- Valid training for legs to strike at any time
Hojo Masaomi
Hojo Masaomi
Kyoshi 7th dan, born 1974 in Kanagawa Prefecture. Proceeded to Nippon Sport Science University from Yokohama High School and after the graduation, served at the Kanagawa Prefectural Police. World championship individual winner, All-Japan Championship third place, National Police Team Championship winner, National Sports Tournament winner. Currently, Kanagawa Police Kendo teacher.
Ijima Akira
Ijima Akira, 8th dan kyoshi, born 1957 in Akita prefecture. Advances to Nihon Taiiku University from Honjo High. After being teacher’s assistin at Nihon Taiiku University, he moved to International Budo University. After being the coach of the kendo club’s ladies and men, he is currently the professor at the university and the general director of the kendo club. Participated in the National Teachers Championship, All Japan East West tournament etc.
Ijima Akira’s articles
Iwakiri Kimiharu
Iwakiri Kimiharu Kyōshi 8th Dan.
Born 1966 in Miyazaki prefecture, 51 years old. Moved from Kōchi Highschool to the International Budo University, and became a teacher there upon graduating. Participated in the All Japan East-West Tournament, National Sports tournament, National Teachers Tournament, and the Inter Prefectural Tournament, a.o. Currently professor and coach of the International Budo Universities’ kendo club.
Iwakiri Kimiharu’s articles
Iwatate Saburo
Iwatate Saburo 8th dan Hanshi
Born in 1939 in Chiba Prefecture. After graduating from Chiba Prefecture Narita High School, he got a job at Chiba Prefecture Police. After retiring from the Tokuren, he served as a Kanto District Police School Instructor, and Chiba Prefectural Police Kendo Head Teacher. Starting in 1978 Iwatate began teaching at the kendojo Shofukan and a number of swordsmen from Japan as well as overseas have gathered to ask for the guidance of Noboru Iwadate.
Currently, he is the director of Shofukan Dojo, Shobi Gakuen University Kendo Head Teacher, the All-Japan Kendo Federation Councilor, All Japan Kendo Federation Vice-President, and the All Japan Senior-Kenyukai Chairman.
Iwatate Saburo Kendo Lecture
- Secrets of Shofukan 1: Reiho
- Secrets of Shofukan 2: Posture
- Secrets of Shofukan 3 : Kensaki
- Secrets of Shofukan 4 : Tame
- Secrets of Shofukan 5: The left foot
- Secrets of Shofukan 6: Tenouchi
- Secrets of Shofukan 7: Yuko Datotsu (valid strikes)
- Secrets of Shofukan 8: Present day student’s and teacher’s way of thinking
The path to higher dan grades
- vol.1 Importance of peer-to-peer training
- vol.2 Maintaining the momentum of seme
- vol.3 What is the importance of your attitude towards daily practice?
Kendo Kata
Kanzaki Hiroshi

Director Kanzaki Hiroshi
Born in 1960. He moved from Nobeoka High School to the University of Tsukuba and the graduate school there. Participated in All-Japan championships, won the National Teachers Team Championship, competed in the All Japan Prefectural Championship, competed in the All-Japan East-West Tournament, participated in All-Japan Invitational 8th dan Championship, etc. Currently a professor at Osaka University of Health and Sport Sciences and general director of the Kendo Club. Kendo kyoshi 8th dan.
Kanzaki Hiroshi, Kyoshi 8th Dan
Born in Miyazaki prefecture in 1960. Moved from Nobeoka High School to the University of Tsukuba and Tsukuba Graduate School, then went on to teach at Osaka University of Health and Sport Sciences. Participated in All-Japan Championships, won the National Teachers Team Championship, competed in the All Japan Prefectural Championship, took 3rd place at the All Japan 7th Dan Championship, competed in the All-Japan East-West Tournament and participated in All-Japan Invitational 8th dan Championship, etc. Currently a professor at Osaka University of Health and Sport Sciences and general director of the Kendo Club.
Kamei Toru
Kamei Toru, born in Kumamoto Prefecture in 1954. Went from Kyushu Gakuin High School to Meiji University. Retired Kumamoto Police Chief Teacher. Major achievements include 2nd place in the All Japan Championships, participation in the World Kendo Championships, participation in all Japan Prefectural Championships, All Japan East-West Tournament, All
Japan Police Championship First Division title, National Sports Tournament title, All Japan Invitational 8th dan Championship 2nd & 3rd place, All Japan Invitational 7th dan Championship 2 titles, Iwate Prefecture Invitational 7th dan Championship 3 titles.
Kamei Toru’s article
Kawakami Arimitsu
Kawakami Arimitsu (Associate Professor, Kokushikan University)
Born in 1974 in Osaka Prefecture. After going to Tsukuba University from PL Gakuen High School and after completing his master he became an Education Engineer. After working as a Japan Airlines Second High School teacher, he became a Kokushikan University teacher. Participated in the All Japan Championships, National Teachers Tournament, National Sports Tournament etc. Currently, associate professor at Kokushikan University. 7th dan in kendo.
Kawakami Arimitsu’s articles
Koda Kunihide
Koda Kunihide, Kyoshi 8th Dan
Born in Nagasaki Prefecture in 1957. Went from Nagasaki East High School to Tsukuba University and became a teacher at the University of Tsukuba after working as a high school teacher at Nagasaki Prefecture. Major achievements include the individual title at the WKC, 3rd place at the All Japan Championships and a National Teachers Tournament title. Professor at the Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences and Director of the Kendo Club at the University of Tsukuba.
Koda Kunihide’s Kendo instructions
- Part 1: Basic movement
- Part 2: Shikake-men
- Part 3: Shikake-kote
- Part 4: Oji-waza against Men
- Part 5: Oji-waza against Kote
Matsuwaki Shinsuke
Matsuwaki Shinsuke
7th dan, born in Hyogo Prefecture in 1978. After graduating from Toyo Daihimeji High School, he entered Nihon University. After graduation, he worked at the Metropolitan Police Department. Currently serving as assistant instructor of the 4th riot police squad. He has participated in the All Japan Championships, won the World Kendo Team Championship and the All Japan Police Team Championship.
Matsuwaki Shinsuke’s articles
Miyato Nobuyuki
Miyato Nobuyuki, Kyoshi 8th Dan
Born in Wakayama Prefecture in 1961. After graduating from Wakayama Kenritsu Shinsho High School, he joined the Wakayama Prefectural Police. During his time as a prefectural Tokuren member, he competed in the All Japan Championship and National Police Tournaments. After retiring from his active career, he became a leader and obtained his 8th Dan in 2008. He is currently a teacher in the Division of Education of the Prefectural Police. In the All Japan Invitational 8th Dan Championship held in April this year, he took 3rd place competing with strong opponents at his first participation.
Nabeyama Takahiro
Nabeyama Takahiro Kyoshi 8th Dan / born in 1969 in Fukuoka prefecture. Started kendo at Imajuku kendo club, and graduated from PL gakuen high school to Tsukuba university. In his student days, he attained brilliant achievements such as Inter-High individual & team competition 1st place, and All Japan student team championship 1st place. After graduating from university, he took the path of researcher through the graduate school of the same university. Currently Nabeyama is associate professor of physical education at university of Tsukuba, and men’s coach of the university Tsukuba’s kendo club.
Nabeyama Takahiro’s article
- How to hit the perfect Men
- Read your opponent’s intentions and practise Seme that makes them not want to be struck
- Seme: Comprehensive choreography approach to taking the center line
- Next level Basic Training
Nakada Jun
Nakada Jun, kyoshi nanadan.
Born in Chiba prefecture in 1973.
Narashino City Senior High SChool. Senshu University. Joined the Metropolitan Police Department after graduation.
Won the All Japan Police Team Championships three times, fought in the All Japan Kendo Championships, represented Japan in the World Kendo Championships.
Currently a teacher at the Metropolitan Police Department kendo club, in charge of the budo specialization department.
Nakada Jun’s articles
- Being conscious of seme is the first step to learning tame
- Three types of tame that will lead to ippon
- Can you stand the pressure longer that your opponent?
Nakamura Fukuyoshi
Nakamura Fukuyoshi, Kyoshi 8th Dan
Born in Tokyo in 1948. As the third generation swordsman of Tokyo Shudokan Dojo, which is celebrating its 102nd anniversary this year, he worked under the guidance of his grandfather Nakamura Hikota and his father Nakamura Tsuruji for four years. He was introduced to Kendo at the age of sixteen, and went on to study Kendo at Keio High School and Keio University. Nakamura Sensei started working for Tokyu Land Corporation before becoming an independent contractor. He is also a family man. Currently, he is the head of the Dojo, where he teaches the next generation. He is the president of Tokyo Kendo Dojo Association and former coach of the Keio University Kendo Club.
Nakamura Fukuyoshi’s article
Onda Kouji
Onda Kouji
Born in Tokyo in 1960, 57 years old. Shutoku High School. Joined the police after graduation.
Won the All Japan Police Team Championship 6 times, participated in the All Japan Kendo Championships, won the All Japan Interprefecture Championship, won the Tomohito shinno 8th dan Tournament 3 times. Managed to win the All Japan 8th dan Championship held in April in his debut. Currently Metropolitan Police Kendo assistant instructor.
Onda Kouji’s articles
- 1. The essence of kamae that leads to seme and tame
- 2. How to perform waza that disturb your opponent
- 3. How to hit Debana men
- 4. How to hit Debana kote
- 5. How to hit Men-kaeshi-do
Saito Makoto
Born in Shizuoka Prefecture in 1970. From Haibara High School, he went on to study at the University of Tsukuba, where he completed his graduate studies. Served as physical training coach for the Japanese national team at the 12th and 13th World Kendo Championships. Served as a physical training coach for the All Japan Kendo Federation Special Strengthening Training camp (from the first term). He is a certified advanced training instructor by the Japan Association of Training Instructors (JATI-AATI). Currently a professor at Senshu University’s College of Business Administration and the head of its Kendo Club.
Sato Hiromitsu
Sato Hiromitsu, born in Miyazaki Prefecture in 1973. Went to Osaka University of Health and Sport Sciences from Takachiho High School, started serving at the Osaka Police Department after graduation. WKC individual and team title, 3rd place in the All Japan Championship, All Japan Police Championship individual and team titles, National Sports Tournament title, etc. Currently, he is platoon leader of the Osaka Police Department Riot Police.
Takahashi Kentaro
Takahashi Kentaro 7th Dan
Professor at Kanto Gakuin University Born in Gunma Prefecture in 1972. From Sugamo High School, he moved to Yokohama National University where he got a master’s degree. He went on to obtain his PhD. at Nippon Sport Science University. Since 2006, he has been physical training coach of the All Japan representatives’. After working at Gunma College of Technology, he became a professor at Kanto Gakuin University, where he is head coach of the Kendo club today.
- Solo Keiko and physical training for non-professionals
- The most powerful home training you can do on your own
- HIIT: The ultimate core training for Kendo
Takanabe Susumu
Takanabe Susumu kyoshi 7th dan
Born in 1976 in Kumamoto Prefecture. Proceeded from PL Gakuen High School to University of Tsukuba, after graduation, appointed to Kanagawa Prefectural Police. National Police Team Championship victory 4 times · Individual victory 3 times, World Championship Team victory & 3rd place, All Japan Championship victory etc. Currently, Kanagawa Prefecture Police Tokuren Captain.
Takanabe Susumu’s article
Takenaka Kentaro
Takenaka Kentaro
Born in Hyogo Prefecture in 1972. He attended PL Gakuen High School and Tsukuba University. After graduating, he became a Tottori Prefectural High School Teacher and afterwards a faculty member at Kanoya University of Physical Education. Major achievements include 2nd place in the World Championships Individual category, 2nd place in National Teachers’ Team Championship and the title for National Teachers Individual Championship, participation in the All-Japan Championships, 2nd place in All-Japan East-West Tournament and 2nd place in the All-Japan Invitational 7th dan Championship.
Takenaka Kentaro’s articles
- How to hit the perfect kote
- This is Kanoya Physical Education University keiko Part 1: Suburi, Kirikaeshi, Yakusoku Keiko
- This is Kanoya University of Physical Education Keiko Part 2: Uchikomi, Kakarikeiko, Jigeiko
Tanaka Hiroaki
Tanaka Hiroaki
Born in Saga in 1958. Entered Kokushikan University after Sagakita High School. After graduation, he served as a member of Gedatsukai. Currently, Tanaka Hiroaki serves as the director of the Gedatsurenshinkai. Won 1st and 2nd place of the All-Japan Prefectural Kendo Championship, participated in the All-Japan East-West Kendo Tournament. As an instructor, he has led his team to the 3rd place in the All-Japan Kendo Rensei Championship Elementary School Division and became the runner-up of the Mito National Championship Elementary School Division.
Tanaka Hiroaki’s article
Tani Katsuhiko
Tani Katsuhiko Kyoshi 8th dan
Born in 1957, he is from Gunma prefecture. After graduating from Niijima Gakuen High School to Tsukuba University, he became a high school teacher in Gunma Prefecture. Major achievements include winning the 10th All Japan Selection 8th Dan Championship and two times runner up, participating in the All Japan Championships, winning National Teachers’ Team Championship, and participating in the All Japan East – West Tournament. Retired from teaching as last year.
Tani Katsuhiko’s articles
Kendo lessons of Tani Katsuhiko
The road to higher dan grades
- vol. 1 Understanding of the principles of the sword
- vol. 2 Kendo training is about of cutting away the excess
Teramoto Shoji
Teramoto Shoji
Born in Kumamoto prefecture in 1975. Started kendo at the Shiratsubo Kendo Aiiku Kai, and advanced to Karyo Junior High, Kumamoto University of Technology High School and International Budo University. Although Teramoto Shoji was not blessed with big titles during his student days, his talent bloomed at the Osaka Prefectural Police where he advanced after college graduation. Teramoto played as the center player of the team and was elected to the Japan national team for the World Championships. During the 55th All-Japan Championships tournament he became the best of Japan and in the 14th World Championships tournament held in Brazil in 2009, he achieved an individual and team victory as a captain. Currently, as Osaka Prefectural Police Kendo Teacher, Teramoto sensei is teaching Kendo at Osaka Prefecture Police School. 7th Dan Kyoshi.
Yamashita Katsuhisa
Yamashita Katsuhisa, kyoshi hachidan.
Born in Miyazaki prefecture in 1967. Miyazaki Kenritsu Takachiho High School.
Tsukuba University. Became a middle school teacher after university.
Runner-up in the All Japan Interprefecture Tournament, second place at the All Japan Teachers and Educational Staff Tournament. Currently working at the Ibaraki prefectural office.
Yamashita Katsuhisa’s articles
Kendo lessons of Yamashita Katsuhisa
- Failing my hachidan exam made me realize that I had improve my tame
- Kamae: Consciously face your opponent
- Learn how to strike with tame using 3 levels of movement
Yano Hiromitsu

Yano Hiromitsu, Ph.D.
Born in Yuzawa City, Akita Prefecture in 1968.
Graduated from Tokai University’s Faculty of Physical Education in kendo followed by the Tokai University Graduate School of Physical Education (Sports Psychology). Graduated from Nagoya University Graduate School of Education and Development Science (Psychology). Ph.D.(Psychology).
Currently a professor at the Kochi University Department of Education. As a sports psychology specialist, he worked on support for various competitions and at the same time directed the Kendo Club at Kochi university. He is also active internationally, including the position of Swedish National Kendo Team Director (2006). He has consistently developed research activities focusing on the connection between mind and body. Participated in the All Japan East-West Kendo Tournament receiving the Excellent Match Award. Kendo 7th Dan Kyoshi.
Methods to improve your kendo mindset
- vol.1 Has it been 10 minutes yet?
- vol.2 Confidence boosts achievements
- vol.3 Failures contribute to the future success
- vol.4 The necessity of building focus
- vol.5 What is behind victory
Yano Hiroshi

Yano Hiroshi, Hanshi 8th Dan, Born in Shizuoka Prefecture in 1941. After graduating from Sagara High School, he entered Kokushikan University, where he worked as an assistant professor. He became a professor at the university in 1986 and retired in 2011. His achievements include 2nd place in the World Kendo Championships, 3rd place in the Meiji-mura Kendo Tournament, 3rd place in the National Kendo 8th Dan Tournament to commemorate the completion of the Okinawa Prefectural Budokan and 1st place in the National Teachers’ Tournament. He is currently a professor emeritus at Kokushikan University and council member of the All Japan Kendo Federation.